Six Inconvenient Truths About SEO​
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there is truth to the notion that SEO can be a pathway to success. If you run any sort of website, chances are you need traffic, and SEO can deliver it. But there are some inconvenient truths about SEO that often get ignored, especially in ‘newbie‘ circles. Here are six of them.

1. SEO takes time:

Any commitment of less than six months isn’t a commitment at all because in competitive markets it’s my experience that you shouldn’t expect to see results that drive meaningful returns before then.

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Six Inconvenient Truths About SEO​

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2. SEO is not fair:

Paid links work and your competitors might be winning by using them in flagrant disregard of Google’s ‘rules‘. But that’s life in the world of SEO. Just as in life generally, some people break the rules, get away with it and prosper as a result. You can fret about this or focus on your own efforts.

3. Top SERPs aren’t always possible:

Let’s be honest: everybody in your market wants top SERPs for the valuable keywords. You all can’t have them.

4. SEO is not all about process:

While you can learn the mechanics, from page structure to link building, there’s something beyond the mechanics. The truth is that there are naturals who just have a natural talent for putting it all together and getting to the top of the SERPs.

5. SEO isn’t a standalone marketing strategy:

There are some people who use nothing more than SEO and whose websites bring in big bucks, but for the average person just starting out, SEO should be looked at as a potentially valuable part of a more comprehensive marketing strategy.

6. The last mile counts more than the first 99:

The process of getting great SERPs can be a long, strenuous journey. But getting great SERPs isn’t the end of this hundred miler. Success is based on what you do with those SERPs.

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