Decide Why You Need to Hire an SEO Company
According to Google, 58% of US businesses do not acquire their own websites, isn’t it a surprising figure! Before determining for acquiring an SEO service take a moment to reconsider the below mentioned points to understand the need and the importance of SEO service for your online business.
- SEO is as important task for both, one who doesn’t own a website and the other who already owns it.
- Those who do not own a website can channelize through an appropriate online presence from the beginning to leave a great impact over their customers.
- Having a website but NO significant Traffic
- Getting sufficient traffic yet NO Conversions
- A website which is not optimized for Search Engines, Social Media or Users
- Willing to enhance online presence of Business
- Looking for new customers in the Digital Market
What You Should Know About SEO?
It’s a Long Term Process:
The first thing you must understand is the difference between SEO and spamming. When we’re talking about Search Engine Optimization, it’s a process that last up to six months on a consistence efforts to get you better results and not an overnight job. If you’re thinking for short term profits then you’re probably on a wrong track, you must go for PPC as none other than paid advertisement will earn you results in short term. Clear your head with an idea of PPC if desperate to generate leads quickly.
Not Merely a Task of Link Building:
There is a misconception prevailing amongst many people who come across certain forums or articles about SEO that it’s all about building quality links. Building links can only help in acquiring Pagerank but not necessarily boost rankings in search engine. In other way, it can only be used as one of the task of SEO process and need not to hype it.
User Friendly Web Experience:
The recent updates have proved it again that the website should be informative and not merely promotional. It should serve the user with ease and should provide a better experience to acquire great visibility amongst leading search engines. The layout and content should be designed to serve in a way that user should not get confused or disappointed after reaching any particular page he/she was searching online.
Impact of Social Media Marketing:
The power of social media was underestimated until now when it can spread a viral effect among great number of people from every corner of the world. No barrier or hurdle can affect Social media to reach to the people of any region, race, religion, economical status, etc to convey the message; hence, it is the most powerful tool to be used for promoting your website to serve potential customers to get aware of your online presence.
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How to Choose Best SEO Company
What You Should Know About SEO?
Finding a good SEO company is indeed a crucial task which should be undertaken precisely. Mainly there are three different ways to appoint good SEO Company which are as follows:
Ask your family or friends who might have been served through an SEO Company in recent past to assist you for your business or personal website. But you must consider the niche of the business of your family or friend and compare it with yours for the treatment you are expecting from the agency. Definitely, one will give reference if satisfied with the service but then there would be better option available which should not be ignored.
Paid Advertisement:
Apart from referral contact, you may consider an option to look out for SEO Company online as there are advertisement can be found on various website offering SEO services. These advertisements are paid and often published for promotional purpose only which generates possible chance to encounter a fresh, inexperienced company that is lacking in organic techniques and results in putting your site in danger.
Organic Search:
Yet another way to find SEO Company online through an organic search on leading search engine by making search related to your niche to find suitable SEO service provider for your website. This organic search will depict the online presence of their company through various factors such as length of existence, unique services, clients’ review, etc.
Know Your SEO Consultant
By appointing any SEO company to work for you, you are offering them a position to represent your website through every possible way to maintain online visibility. Try to find the company on leading search engine to authenticate them because knowing who exactly will be doing the SEO of your site is indeed a matter of question that should be dealt delicately. You should acquire name, phone number along with their social accounts of the person or a company who is taking care of your website. Get in touch with them through instant messaging to make them feel how important this task is to you.
What is the Background of the Company Offering SEO Services?
When you search the company online you will find their affiliations with other websites which will give you insight of the company and its existence. Study their website and the rankings of their clients which will explain you about their expertise. Ask them to provide you their portfolio which will shout about their excellence in each niche as well as their reputation among various industries they are serving.
What Other Services are Offered by Your SEO Company?
At the time of collecting basic information about SEO company, get all the necessary details weather they are engaged in other services. There are plenty of SEO companies available that work in various fields other than any particular niche which is not preferable, make sure the SEO Company you are willing to hire for your business website is engaged in hardcore SEO services as it gives great focus on what they are doing and not scattered to lose focus easily.
Do they Guarantee for #1 Ranking to Search Engine?
Seeking peace of mind is indeed a human nature, everyone tends to achieve security and for that instance we ask for professional help with an intention to excel and achieve our desired goals. Before we make an agreement its mandatory to know what they are going to provide within their services. Do ask if they guarantee for #1 position in search engines such as Google. As of the algorithmic changes made on a regular interval one cannot guarantee for the first position within next update of Google, and if they do so, they are lying. No one is above Google to make promises despite of algorithmic updates.
Your Role After Choosing SEO Company
Consider Commitment Requirements:
It is mandatory to understand the basic requirements of your SEO consultants as they are asking for changes if any, it’s all for the betterment of your website and thus for your business development only. Keeping faith in your SEO people is needed once you opt for professional help. Certainly, you should feed your curiosity by asking relevant questions when you’re out of blue.
Making No Unreal Promises:
SEO process is not based on hypothesis as it’s a proven technique that enhances the visibility of your website amongst leading search engine through their search results. Once you are given the requirements from the SEO people, you need to believe in that and co-operate as there are certain experiments to do pertaining to fulfill the promises given for your website.
They Can Explain What Actions They will do:
At some point, you may have bunch of questions to ask regarding the length of process, next steps or rigidity over change to website but an SEO expert must be prepared with all the answers for they are being questioned for as long as it relates to their process of web marketing. Since SEO is a well organized and strategic process, all the answers are prepared and having logic behind it.
Communicate With Them:
Communication is a great way to link and build rapport with your client or an agency. Talk to them often and share your views as well as progression of the process. Give your feedback as well as appreciate if found better impact of any changes made to your website, certainly, it boosts their level of confidence.
Insist on Full Transparency:
Know the basic requirement for the entire process and get connected at all times to understand which factor really influences your website at most. Ask your SEO Company to report you at regular interval and if possible to let you know their progress at the end of every week. Once you get reports you don’t need to ask them questions as the reports will show where your website stands from the day you choose their services.
Hence, there isn’t any single factor that influence on your selection for SEO Company for your website but one should accumulate all the aspects before choosing SEO service for their business website as this will be reflecting to their business and represent to distinguish among business rivals.